5 ways to stay safe online

5 ways to stay safe online 

There are many people-Facebook is crazy to say They get posting on Facebook or social media. But the effect can not be ignored. Those who post social media without considering anything, they need to be aware. Because, remember, nothing is safe online. Cyber ​​criminals have to get over 

 Analyzing your post can cause terrible damage to miscreants. Experts say it is difficult to control it after posting something online without your own awareness. However, you can take several steps to stay safe online. Cyber ​​security firm McAfee recently gave some suggestions. Find them: 

Privacy and security settings :

McAfee’s advice is to keep privacy and safety settings as much as possible in online accounts. If Facebook or other social media is public, then everyone will see it. So if you keep it private, then you will have some control To increase security, fix any apps that can share your location or location information in app settings. Otherwise you are leaving all the information open to all, where you are going, what you are doing. It allows cyber criminals to keep an eye on you easily.

Use different screen names :

McAfee has suggested to use a different screen name instead of the actual name of the social network. It’s a good idea to use different screen names in order to get Google’s name easily from your search. Google Search will not show all your social contact profiles together if you use the actual name to make it easy to find online. 

Think before the post :

Think twice for what is being posted through social networking. Before posting on Facebook and Instagram, before chatting to a friend or making a location, consider what is personal and for everyone. Be cautious about whether third parties may not take advantage of your information or may not be able to provide your location information. 

Two factor authentication started :

Turn on Two-Factor Authentication to Online Security Remember, the online account can provide another level of protection for security. 

Cloud Usage Alert :

Many people now keep the information in the cloud. Those who keep data in the cloud, do not forget to take extra security. Keep cloud account safe by adding two-factor authentication or additional security.

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